Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February 22nd to 26th


This week we are continuing to review key groups of people and events before 1713. We will do a video analysis of some Heritage Moment videos to identify the importance of certain people and events and the role they played in the development of Canada. Students will then read about all of the different groups of people that lived in New-France before 1713.


This week, we return to our study of the Ten Commandments. After doing an introductory activity, students are creating a comic strip in which they will present an example of someone who follows a commandment of their choice and someone who doesn't. They will present their work next week. This is an evaluated task.


Students have one more work period for their portfolio assignment. During the second class of the week, they will present their work.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

February 15th to 19th


This week we will begin to review the key events and groups of people before 1713 through discussion, image analysis, and a series of videos.


This week we will talk about Ash Wednesday and Lent. Students will make a Lenten Commitment for the period of Lent, leading up to Easter.


Students are continuing to work on their portfolios. They are to pick a theme in order to demonstrate unity and harmony within their artwork.

Monday, February 8, 2021

February 8th to 12th


This week, we begin History. To begin, students will reflect on what History means to them. They will then prepare a Coat of Arms that represents their own history and present it to the class.

From there, we will begin to explore important events and groups of people leading up to 1713 in British North America, where our curriculum begins.


We begin a new unit on The Ten Commandments. This week students will reflect on the idea of respect, as an introduction before jumping in to explore the Ten Commandments and what they mean.

Visual Arts:

We begin Visual Arts this week. Students have been asked to have a pencil, eraser, and pencil crayons for the course. We will begin with an introduction to visual arts before students begin their first project. Their first project will be to present the idea of unity and harmony while creating a portfolio cover.