Tuesday, March 2, 2021

March 1st to 5th


We will start this week off by examining the government in New-France between 1713. We will look at how it worked and how it is organized. Students will review a note before completing corresponding comprehension questions. From there, we will be taking some time to examine objects that were important in the establishment and development of New-France. Our third class of the week will be dedicated to review. There will be an open-book test next week; Monday for 7-1 & 7-2 and Tuesday for 7-3.


This week we continue our study of the Ten Commandments. Students are presenting their comic strips on one of the Ten Commandments. From there, they will embark on an individual reflection activity of all of the Ten Commandments.


We are starting a new project this week - Jungle Art. Students will create their own piece of jungle art while using Henri Rousseau's jungle art as inspiration. We will be taking a couple of weeks to complete this assignment.