Monday, September 7, 2020

2020-2021 School Year

Welcome to a new school year and welcome to my website! I will be teaching your son or daughter Religion, Social Studies, and Art.

In an effort to be environmentally friendly, this is where I will be posting classroom announcements, due dates, resources at other useful information during the school year to keep you updated. You and your child will be able to refer to this site to see what is happening each week in class. I encourage you to refer to the site regularly to stay involved and up to date with your child's education. You may also decide to sign up to receive notifications via email on the right side of the page. Please note that specific assignment details and rubrics will be posted in Hapara Workspace.

Course outlines have been posted on the school website. Please review the course outlines with your child.

This year, students will be using a combination of materials to assist in their learning. They will be doing very little work by hand. A lot of their work will be done online. If your son or daughter has an electronic device such as a Chromebook/laptop or tablet, they will be expected to bring it to every class. Please remind them to bring their charger for their device as well. In addition to this, they are asked to have the materials listed below.

For all 3 classes, students must have:

- a 3 ring binder filled with lined paper ;

- a pencil and eraser;

- a couple of differently colored pens (blue, black, red etc.)  for revising their work;

- pencil crayons;

- a ruler;


- a French-English dictionary.

Students are asked to have these items in class with them by September 14th and every day after that.

Should you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at or by phone at (613) 591-9955.