This week in Geography, students are exploring the natural and human factors that affect the climate. They are describing how each factor affects the climate, finding a picture that represents the factor as well as identifying if the factor is a physical process or human activity.
From there, we are going to do some work with climate graphs. We will learn about climate graphs and interpret a couple together before students will create and interpret one formally for a mark. This assessment will go into next week.
This week, students are finishing up their presentations on an assigned community and presenting their work. 7-1 and 7-2 began presentations today and 7-3 will present Wednesday After that we will take some time to do a brief overview of the Bible as it is the story of our Christian community before embarking on our Advent Unit.
Students are working on their Pink Panther Mime presentation. This is their final assessment for the Mime Unit. Both classes will serve as work periods as groups work through the Creative Process to produce their mime choreographed to music from Pink Panther.